Current Status
Past Blues
Fines and Fees
There are various awards that a team captain, depending on her club's status can award to outstanding sportswomen.


Students wishing to compete in the Varsity Match must meet certain eligibility criteria. A resident bona fide student member of the University is eligible to compete in a Cambridge versus Oxford sporting contest subject to the stipulations that she is:

  • A matriculated and fully registered member of both a College and of the University.
  • Registered for, and actively studying for, a recognised degree, diploma or certificate of the University.
  • In residence for at least the undergraduate term in which the Varsity match falls.

  • Or
  • If the Varsity Match is in a Cambridge vacation, the player must be in residence for the preceding term. To be in residence, players must also fulfil University residence requirements.

  • And
  • Either is an undergraduate, thus reading for a first degree, in which case his or her eligibility continues until 30th September in the year in which he or she completes his or her undergraduate course.

  • Or
  • Is already the holder of a degree from a recognised University and is therefore reading for a second degree, or for a diploma, certificate or higher degree of the University, in which case his or her eligibility is limited to four (4) years of fulfilling the University's residency requirements. These four years need not be consecutive.
  • The eligibility of such a graduate student is limited until his or her results are published in Reporter (Cambridge) or the Examination Schools (Oxford).

Blues cannot be awarded to students who do not compete in the Varsity Match.

Full Blues

Clubs holding Full Blue status can award them to individuals at the captain's discretion, providing they fulfil the criteria agreed by the committee. Full Blues are highly prestigious and are awarded at the captain's discretion to those she feels worthy.

Six Blue's Sport Criteria

In making the award of a full Blue, the captain must take into consideration the individual's:
  • Ability
  • Excellence
  • Effort
  • Determination
  • Overall contribution to the sport
  • Contribution to the result against Oxford.

Half Blues

Clubs holding Half Blue status need also consider the same six criteria, before making the awards. Full Blue clubs who do not reach the required standards for a full Blue, can also apply for Half Blue awards.

Team Colours

First Team Colours can be awarded by the captain of a Full or Half Blue sport, to first team members (who played in the Varsity match) but who did not reach the standard required for a Blue.

Second Team Colours can be awarded by the captain of a Full or Half Blue sport, to second team members (who played in the Varsity match) but who did not reach the standard required for a Blue.

The total number of awards given must not exceed the number of awards granted by the Blues Committee.

Notes for Captains

NO award (Full/Half Blue or First/Second Team Colours) can be awarded to someone who does not compete in the Varsity Match.

Non-playing reserves cannot be awarded Blues.
People who fall ill or are injured before the Varsity Match are not eligible for Blues.

Discretionary Full Blues

Discretionary Full Blues are upgrades of Half Blues and may be awarded when certain additional criteria is achieved. Such awards must be presented in writing to the President who will approve or decline them, in the case of the latter the awards may be proposed before the committee.

Extraordinary Blues

Extraordinary awards are considered for achievement at national or junior international level and above. They are awarded to sportswomen who are deemed by the Blues Committee to have achieved an extraordinarily high standard in their sport. Such awards are obviously rarely given.

The captain of the club should present the case for the award to the committee and include the following:
  1. Written evidence of the outstanding performance (with independent corroboration, i.e. from the Coach, National team or the like) showing comparison to previous Varsity Matches, County, National and/or International rankings etc.

  2. Brief details of the sport regarding the rules of competition, methods of scoring, meaning of the results etc.

These should be suitably explained to allow the Committee to judge fairly the individual case.

No extraordinary award can be made if the individual has not competed in a 1st team Varsity match.

It must be realised that the awarding of Extraordinary Full Blues is a great accolade and must be taken seriously lest the value of the Blue be reduced.

Old Blues

Post applications for individuals are only allowed if they were not made at the correct time due to administration errors.

They must be submitted within one year of the individual concerned leaving the university. Also, the application must be considered under the criteria at the time when the application should have been made.


If you are awarded a blue or half blue, it is your club's responsibility to ensure you receive the certificate. If you did not receive your certificate please contact your club's present captain, who should then notify the secretary.