Status Reviews
Every three years a club will be called to give a review of their status to the committee. There will then be a vote to approve the status and any changes made to it.
The review should be submitted in document form. Click here for the form.
Please send the review to at least two days before the meeting.
The document needs to include:
- Background of Sport:
Basic rules and the point of the sport.
Simple explanation of rules/point scoring in your varsity match.
- Background of Cambridge Club:
Year of foundation of Club.
Year of first Varsity Match.
Number of squad members.
Participants in the University.
Number of fixtures and leagues play in.
Cuppers competition.
Popularity of sport Nationally.
- Varsity Match
Scoring in the Varsity Match.
Number of Players in the 1st team.
- Current Status:
What is the current status?
Explain criteria and what it means.
Number of awards possible to be given.
Who takes the decision to award (i.e. Captain's discretion or CU Blues Committee, etc.)
- Status Remain/Status Change:
Justify current status and why it should remain the same.
Add in BUSA or National ranking Criteria in line with CUWBC directive.
Explain why you feel it should change.
How you would like it to change.
Criteria Changes
These can be brought by any club at any time regardless of when their review is due. To have effect they must be voted through at a meeting and unless specifically
stated will not be retroactive.
- Suggested new criteria making reference to the Criteria For Full blue sports
- How does this include the Six Blues Sport Criteria.
Status Changes
These are essentially the same as criteria changes but will involve a change from no status to half or full blue status, or from half blue to full blue status.
These changes have to be voted though a meeting and there will be a three year probationary period applied following a status change and all awards will have to be applied
for in the same manner as discretionary awards.